Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Short and very very sweet!

Here's some random media to keep y'all busy whilst I party it up... I mean, learn a lot about teaching... in Kansas City!

Yes! Something new for me to watch this summer, since I don't have a JOB!

{Suggestions for that whole job thing are being entertained! ;) }

I think I am in L-O-V-E! How sweet does this guy seem? What a cutie! I donated my hair to locks for love a few years ago. I want to do it again, but I am contractually obligated to look the same for the next three years (Thank you, Ford Models!). Anyway, I think Charlie and I still have something to bond about - haha.

For the "What in hell?" files: I am officially adding the noun "Ridiculization" to my vocabulary. Expect big things!

The video below will probably make me happy for the rest of my damn life!

Maybe this is what inspired Ousmane's behavior during the senior speeches on Saturday? :-P

P.S. Dwight Howard seems to have some moves!!

1 comment:

Bashmaster General said...

Shaq can do no wrong in my eyes. To quote Shaq, "I'm not a hero, a hero is a sandwich."